Yesterday was interesting. I was a bit more bitter at work, thinking about our eminent pay-cut meeting and unfruitful looking for other jobs on craigslist, but other than that, it was a pretty good day. After the weekly Boss-induced Friday heart attack (She waits until her bus to the hamptons is departing and then finds important things to work on, while I work like crazy to get her packed, out the door and at the same time finish typing the document she is working on), I made my grocery list and headed to meet my fellow type-a foodie.
She was not there when I arrived or after my first glass of wine, and I began to wonder if I had fallen victim to some deranged internet predator who would make plans with people and then stand them up! Well, she actually called the bar, God-bless her, to let me know that she was on her way. She turned out to be a total doll! I would assume close to my age, classic style, pretty and hates her job as much as I hate mine. To steal the line: "I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship!"
The Foodie Club party is on! There are several different directions it could go, more cooking or more eating, celebrity chefs coming to speak ect. OOOOH! I just had a great idea! I can't blog it here though! If we can find a way to turn this club into a business, we could both escape our silly starter-jobs.
After drinks I staggered down to the Trader Joe's and Food emporium and drunkenly spend a small fortune on food. I am all set for the Cannoli challenge though! I also agreed, just this morning to meet a friend of my mom's friend to discuss law school, a yes I would normally have said no to: Check. All I have left to do this week is to actually make the Cannoli and to do something New Yorkie.
Let's see where life takes me today!
Though my job is on the rocks and there are no new prospects in sight, though I still have no idea what to do with my life, perhaps with passion as my compass, this may turn out to be a great year!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
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