Thursday, August 6, 2009

Day 3, Morning 4

I was able to check-off several of my weekly goals last night! I have drinks scheduled for Friday and the Foodie club party scheduled for Sunday. Next week I already have an almost full calendar with the CUNY Journalism events. The main thing left on my list is a new recipe.

As much as I love to cook, making something new has become a drudgery. This is very sad. I guess it has been awhile since I was inspired by something I ate to the point where I wanted to recreate a healthier version of it.

I cook daily, but I stick with the simple things I can whip up and know I will enjoy. Last night was baked eggplant Parmesan, the night before was avocado veggie wraps, tonight will be leftovers from both. This weekend I want to make some homemade chicken or vegetable curry, but I need to find a new recipe or new inspiration to explore.


I got it! I created a recipe for baked cannoli and have yet to try and make them! That will be my new conquest for the weekend! Haha!

So Far:

New Writing-check
New Connection- check
New Social Event- check
New Recipe- planned
Daily Workout- so far

I mean, I will review the full results of week one on Sunday, but so far this has been too easy! I think I may need to step it up! But I am getting ahead of myself, there is still the weekend with the first meeting and canolli battle to get through.

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