Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I am happy to say that I have not succumb to my brain aneurysm, or as it more likely is, my "receptionist ear" injury. I have spoken to my wonderful man who is my greatest fan and enabler, who has given me his blessing to come home and be a lazy sack. I feel much better and have been able to put things back into perspective.

I have always been a fan of the quantifiable; loving lists and calendars and graphs. I consulted with one such calendar to discover that I have only been house/work-bound 3 out of 7 days in the last 3 weeks. For a recovering hermit, such as myself, this is quite a feat! The perfectionist bitch in me is always finding a way to make sure my efforts do not go unpunished, but the calendar, like the scale, doesn't lie.

I have re-centered and am feeling quite pleased with myself, my calendar is almost full for August, my weight is down to an acceptable level, my girlfriends are no longer feeling neglected and my man is madly in love with me. If I can get my employment under control, I am going to be pretty close to perfect! You can't change you life overnight, but you sure can make improvements.

I suppose lately the desperate woman inside me screaming for change forgot one important fact: Destiny finds you, not the other way around. It may have not found me yet, but things are certainly heading in the right direction. Tomorrow is not just another day, tomorrow is hope and possibility and could be the day destiny finds me. Thank God for tomorrows and thank God for today.

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