Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 1, Morning 2

Well, Yesterday was the first day of my experiment. I overslept, so I had to take the PATH train from the West Village where I was cat-sitting to my midtown office. Workout missed.

I did however, walk the 50 blocks home from the Central Park baseball fields to my little place in Kips Bay, so I guess that will have to count.

I also found a new way of meeting like-minded food nerds, through foodie/ underground supper clubs. I reached out to a few over the Internet yesterday and we'll see what comes of that.

I feel like Day one was a success overall. I decided to force myself to maintain a blog, something scary and different for me. What can I say though, chances are no one will read this, which is both nerve wracking and freeing. I hate to be ignored or judged, but it I really should get over myself! Especially if I want to write for a living!

Well, Day 2 is starting-off a bit bumpy. I missed my beloved Pilates class this morning. In the interest of being more social, I feel I really need to get my workouts out of the way first thing in the morning, that way I can be free to go out after work if something interesting comes-up. Right now I am debating a lunchtimes pilates class, a lunchtime abs class, a tentative ballet workout after work, or getting off my ass and hitting the cardio machines right now! I am leaning toward now. Who knows what I could be doing tonight, though a voice in my head is still mocking me: "You know you will be on your couch watching Ugly Betty Re-runs and eating your vegetarian chicken wraps". Well, cynical voice, that may be true, but I will certainly be open to other possibilities and I we will see where that takes me.

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