Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sandwiches and RFPs: Just Another Thursday in Paridise

I think I left off yesterday musing about my next new recipe. I have now gotten in the mindset that it must not only be new, but also hard! I am setting aside my overachiever antics this weekend and going for simple and well thought out.

Sadly, the last dish that actually inspired me was a sandwich. It was an unexpected pleasure, bursting with satisfying flavor. I plan to source my ingredients from the specialty shops in the West Village and create something similarly simple and perfect. I love sweet and savory, so I am going to find a hearty bread....

Ugh, the Boss from Hell is in full-on bitch mode this morning. I am working on a marketing proposal with my friend Gus because the completely inept marketing manager is on vacation. After working hard on it all morning, Boss Lady comes in and shits on our efforts. She has spent the remainder of the morning in her office screaming at everyone from her co-op board to a sub consultant, who wouldn't want a glamorous job like this?

Back to the sandwich. I am going to go to a specialty cheese shop, try to find a beautiful, smokey ham and some fresh pear or apple. It will be fun to hunt for ingredients and to create something simple and well crafted. I also may make a new dessert. My main objective this weekend is to settle into my West Village home-away-from-home and write and create a website.

Well, I had better get back to this proposal that we will most certainly not get. Off to rowing on the Hudson tonight! Hell, if my biggest problem is a crappy job and bitchy boss, my life is pretty great! Thank God I'm in New York where the time between work hours are filled with magic and possibility.

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