Sunday, January 10, 2010


It's amazing how the hardest thing can end up being the easiest too. Honesty is so feared, yet once engaged it is the only way to salvation. This blog is my honesty, a bearing of my soul. He read my thoughts today, finally seeing that which was always hidden in plain sight.

We cried together and found comfort in the mutual pain and love we still share. We both know what needs to be done, but we also hope that the best part of us can continue. Our friendship somehow remains intact.

I am of the cynical belief that lovers, boyfriends, husbands come and go throughout your life, the only people who can truly be yours for life are your friends who become your truest family. Friends love without condition, without expectation and without expiration. Perhaps forever was not a lie, as with so many things in life, it may just look different from the way we imagined it.

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