I have likened cooking and sex before in this blog. I see them as our most basic, visceral pleasures. I suppose it stands to reason then that my interest in both has wained at the moment. I think this is due to another similarity between these beautiful things: the intimacy.
I have these thoughts bouncing around this morning because I have a cooking event coming up tomorrow night. Since "the break-up", I have not touched my stove. My appetite has returned (thank you PMS) but I have not been able to bring myself to cook. Cooking is such a beautiful, lively, exuberant thing for me. It seems that lately it has felt as inappropriate as intercourse!
The theme of this dinner party is "Favorite Ingredients". This is a challenge on my best day, there are so many things I adore! My two favorite things, in this order, are vegetables and pork! Delicate, fulfilling and under appreciated and utter decadence! I want to highlight nature's bounty: mushrooms or brussel sprouts or artichokes or spinach or collard greens, mmm! I must say though, there is very little that a few crumbles of bacon doesn't enhance.
The other challenge is a new member of our little group, a vegetarian. Many are outraged at her stance and think me mad for allowing it. Yes, my group is a passionate one! She happens to be one of the guests tomorrow, and though she insists that we cook what we like, I do feel a bit obligated to cater to her. The outrage of the group is beginning to make more sense! It is the fact that I adore vegetables that makes me feel pressure to defend her. I just didn't think about the fact that I enjoy adding the swine to most of my veggies. Hmm. Well, inspiration don't fail me now!
I just can't get into it, I was reading recipes last night (food porn) and just kept thinking, egh. The harder I try, the stronger my mental block becomes. My most recent obsession is beets, but I have been hard pressed to find one in it's natural state. Besides, I want to "wow" people with the lushness vegetables are capable of! I want people to see them as I do; as beautiful and filled with a simple, lusty decadence all their own. I suppose that may be my problem, I am still trying to coax myself back into that very state!
Well, I am on my way. My beautiful city smiled down at me yesterday, I have Dean Martin crooning to me on Pandora (while my sad record player looks on in horror!), the familiar sense of excitement is returning to my mornings and the usual sly smile is playing on my lips at this very moment! It will come to me. I will don my pearls and some semblance of my summer vintage wardrobe, go out into my city and let it come to me.
If not, I suppose I could re-work one of my classics; stuffed braised artichokes, stuffed mushrooms, eggplant Parmesan stacks, spinach-tomato-garlic pizza. I really want to do something new! Create something amazing....
I think I have a back-up plan though, I will perfect a classic. I can make eggplant Parmesan sliders. I will saute beautiful little slices of fresh bread, top them with the parm and slice them into lovely bites. Perhaps not the most original idea, but I swear, they could make even the most vigilant carnivore question his ideals! Yes, perhaps that is what I will do.
There are more dinner parties to come, countless dishes to be created, life is long and I have plenty of time. You can't rush inspiration anymore than you can turn the clock forward or back. For now, I will relax in the knowledge that spring comes after winter every year and I can see glimpses of new growth even now.
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