Sunday, January 3, 2010

Holding Pattern

I'm ready, poised for action, strong and determined! But like a racehorse with his mussel to the gate, all I am really doing at this moment is waiting. It is not idle or relaxed waiting, my heart is pumping and adrenaline courses through my veins. The difference between me and that horse is that he knows what he is bracing for, I do not.

All I know is that something big is coming, my life is changing before my eyes and the horizon is blocked out by a dust storm, kicked up by the pounding hooves of all that is approaching me.

I am not idle, I am filling my nights with EWI events and drinks with friends and spending my weekend days doing research and writing. Working, working, working away at my new post and old haunt through the week. But my appetite is gone, my kitchen is growing cold from lack of use, I wake early and feel a constant state of restlessness.

What is it that my body knows that I am of yet still unaware? As usual, only tomorrow holds the answer. For now I will keep my eyes on the horizon and my heart in the present and thank God for both.

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