Monday, January 4, 2010

Deafening Silence

I recently purchased the newest in communication technology. This fabulous device is basically a brilliant little computer, waiting breathlessly to offer up answers to any query and alert me instantly of any message waiting to be received or voice to be heard. I also have three e-mail accounts, text messaging and the all important cellphone feature.

The one dreary fact I did not realize accompanied this new friend was the way it makes the silence even more deafening when it sits idle.

It's not his fault, my little Droid, it is me. (Yes, I still have a shred of sanity left. I have not started picking fights with inanimate objects!) I am waiting for one message in particular, one ghostly voice to answer from the void of silence it has been shrouded in. I have questions, I want answers. At this point any answer would do, I just can't stand the roar of silence anymore!

Yes, the addition of my favorite new toy has turned-up the volume on this distinctly loud version of quiet. Ah, the waiting game, I know this one! I should be quite deft at it by now. Funny how the games we know the best are the ones that continue to confound us. Here's to this round: may the best side of me win!

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