Friday, October 2, 2009

It's Not Over Yet!

Well, DeShon returned last week and my life has continued in a somewhat similar way. I tried to start another blog about foods of the world, but something was missing. You see, I don't feel like it's over. He may be back, but the story of my life has not stopped and the experiment feels far from over. These chronicles are about more than my 8 week period of Independence, they are about the evolution of my life.

Really, I feel like my life has been on hold for years. Perhaps this is why the past has had such a stranglehold on my heart. I felt that the greatest adventure of my life was over. The military was where I grew-up and found myself. That was not the end. The experiment has awoken me from my 4 year slumber. I see excitement and adventure on the horizon and all around me, I cherish the past but no longer yearn for it. Let it rest in peace, I have enough life at this moment, I don't need my ghosts. So let the experiment continue! Who knows who I will become!

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