Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hypocrisy Disclaimer

After writing today, and going to church earlier, I decided that I should write a hypocrisy disclaimer in case anyone actually reads this. Now, in this blog, or any of my writing really, I talk about life. I talk about food and sex and God, and all with a very dirty mouth! Some might find this strange or hypocritical, but really I find writers who pretend to be choir girls when telling the stories of life to be either naive or fake.

I just finished reading Bon Appetit by Sandra Byrd. She is lucky she tells a good story, because her main character Lexi made me want to barf. (Barf being a prophetic literary term, of course!) It was as though she had to paint the world in primary colors and make everything G rated simply because she spoke about God in the novel. I found Lexi to be either fake or naive, as I already stated. God is not tucked away in the Disney Land section of my life (as if I would actual have one!). He was there when I smoked pot, here when I am being a bitchy tart and will be right by my side the next time I do something unsavory. All that is to say, I am a real person, I write about real life and real life is not divided into chapels and strip clubs. It is all me, and perhaps my stories can show that spirituality and reality are not mutually exclusive.

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