Monday, June 28, 2010

The Writer and The Ego

Being a writer requires a huge ego, perhaps this is why there are so many prolific male writers. The ability to shamelessly bare one's soul proudly, it takes balls.

It is time for me to begin "grabbing my balls" and sharing my work. I blush at the idea that it will be criticized or thought of as silly, but it is time for me to believe in the goodness of what I produce. It is sincere and true and often witty.

It is time for me to take the step forward. It is time for me to arrogantly pronounce my work viable, valuable and worthy.It is time for me to embrace all that i am. It is time to shamelessly proclaim myself a writer, thinker, beauty and visionary.

Sometimes the hardest sale you ever have to make is to yourself.

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