Saturday, June 26, 2010

Living Quietly Within

The torrential, frantic energy of the past month has given way to a quiet stillness. In this lull I find myself happily living in my mind, able to sit quietly and let the thoughts flow over me. I am no longer running, I am safe.

There is still a little voice that tells me if I stop I will become ensnared in the quiet place, if I stop I will not be able to start again. It tells me I am dieing every moment, it tells me to run.

In this place, looking back over the frenetic terrain I just flew across and forward to the hazy horizon, I brush the voice away. I will not be trapped in the land of the living dead. I have left many cages in my wake, they have been sprung and cannot catch me now.

I will not sleepwalk, I am merely resting.

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