Thursday, December 31, 2009

Feels Like Falling in Love

You know that feeling when you are falling in love? When it feels like the world is ripe with possibilities, when you feel like the most interesting, beautiful person on the planet? Well, I have been feeling that way a lot lately.

I wonder if it is actually possible to hold onto this feeling, clutch it close and luxuriate in it. The fact that I am not falling in love with anyone in particular, but rather, many people, places and experiences, means that I am not reliant on a person to maintain the sunshine of new love. As we all know, when the glossy veneer of lust begins to fade, all the cracks begin to show, people becomes real, imperfect and unable to live up to the idolized image we have created of them. Perhaps loving whole heartedly and widely Will create a vacuum in which the beautiful glow can be maintained.

Even as I write this I don't believe it! This feeling is like being high, and everyone has to come down sometime.

As Katy Perry said, "Its not serious, just want to try you on", well what if you could live as though you were in a dressing room? Trying on different possibilities like clothing. Its an interesting prospect.

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