Monday, September 6, 2010


September 3, 2010

There is a strange peace that comes with acceptance. Not happiness, but only fools and drunks can maintain that feeling throughout the days and years. No, this is just a quiet. I will have or I won’t, all these things good and bad, come and go. I have to stop trying to cling to the wind and simply feel it.

I will keep moving forward. I will smile when the breeze kisses my face and I will press on when it whips around me, trying to push me back. What else can I do? You cannot hold the wind, you cannot change its flow. You can try to stay indoors, only hearing it tapping on your shutters or bustling your curtains, but then you may as well be dead.

The only certainty is that it will always blow. It will never stop for more than a moment. Acceptance, not submission, is the only safeguard against the madness that threatens to consume one who lives in a place where the wind is constant and ever-changing.

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